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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve, 2010


     For all the High Tech toys we may receive tomorrow, remember that on that day a Saviour was given, the beginning of a journey.  Not so high tech, and not so complicated, though we make it complicated.  The simplicity of a single gift to be accepted or rejected.     Remember that you may take the gift, but not use it, just like a child plays with the box.

     I have faced life and death.  I seen evil face to face and know it does exists.  As I think about the Skillet song – Monster, I remember that just under the surface it may still exist within me.  But dig a little deeper and a holy sprit dwells, just let Him out.

     Fear, joy, happiness,anger, and hatred those and more.  The things everyone feels, for I am a man, a human - simply.  Not always understanding life.

     But for all the things we have felt and all the thing we have been though, a Saviour was born.  He stepped from Heaven and lived a life of man, suffering most horribly, not for those things He had done, but for the things we have done.

Christmas Eve, 2010 – In the word of Mr. Spock, Live Long and Prosper.