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Monday, September 17, 2012

Just my thought for today.

First off let me say I have to stop listening to the news when I take my lovely wife to work, but they don’t have an HGTV Radio network. However, I will not apologize for my reaction or opinion on my page. Of course if you disagree with me that is OK, I still love you all and it is your right to disagree. The intercourse of dialog, in my opinion starts with a simple disagreement intended to bring forth the complete assessment of the facts as they are, not as they are presented. My philosophical moment before I take Angelo to school.

So once again let me get this straight, there was a movie about Muslims who are portrayed as terrorists, killers, and an ungodly people? Was it on cable, I missed the advertisement? By the way I have seen movies like that about other religions too, don’t remember them “uprising” against Americans and killing us; however, I do admit my potential myopic outlook. Our individual assessments of things can only be formed through our own life experiences and interpretations of those experiences.

Obviously I have not watched the movie in question and I had no interest to see it, well until all this rhetoric. But I will probably still forgo watching it, since I pay attention to history and the reality of things going on around me. You can keep your head stuck in the sand if you like, but people will continue to die and be killed because of our complicate ignorance, even if we look the other way; just saying. I read all those posted pictures and graphics last week about “never forget”. Really, by 9/30 we forgot and all those “condolences” and “remembrances” will never make you remember the real issues at hand. Many only remember the incident and look no further that there were specific parameters of those involved. If you were angry on 9/11, you should still be angry 11 years later; the situation has not been miraculously changed. It is still what it is. I think many would agree that Hitler was evil and just in case you are interested there is still evil in this world today, again just saying. To me many people just want to be a part of what happened that day; however, as long as we still have American men and women in harm’s way, our own personal recognition should not be the focus.

WOW, I bet I get some disagreement on those last statements, but it still does not make you a hero. My heroes are not those people who play in movies, sing a song, play on a sports team, or even the dead who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry, I am saddened and angry, but let’s face it they did not die defending a single principle, with the exception their right to life. I have written awards and decorations for “heroes” and have never seen one approved for someone who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, well unless they took part in the action. This would be just my observation. I cannot wait to hear the disagreements on this one. I think we as a society have over used the word “hero”. It is, for me, those men and women making a difference by leaving family and friends to stand up for our right to exist. The real heroes are those fireman and police officers who go into the buildings, the people who help coworkers in disregarded to the own life. Close to my heart are the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airman and Cost Guard who everyday face what we choose to ignore. OK, so everyone who posted one of those things, I do see your sincerity; however remember the “root” cause and contrary to what other say; it is OK to be mad and not just sad. I don’t really know my point, just my opinion.

OK, so that said now I heard the ”news-people” reporting that this movie is the cause for the attacks on our bases, embassies, and the killing of our ambassador. Theoretically you could actually convince me, but since I live in the real world and have an effective “thought process”, I would have to say, REALLY? That followed by the question, “What color is the sky in your world?”

Only problem for me in this case is that the theory and reality would be in conflict. My understanding is the movie has been out for way over a month, so there would be “premeditation” and not a simple “reaction”, but a coordinated attack. I apologize but I think my law enforcement background may have just come out. Now let’s take a look at the uprisings late last year, which were called the “Arab uprisings”, if my understanding is correct. Could these incidents be some sort of coincidence? Not sure if I buy it, but you are welcome to buy anything you want too.

Let me take some time to make a personal clarification; Arabs are not all Muslims. Muslims are members of the religious believe of Islam, so if you do not believe in the tenants of the faith you are not a Muslim, but if you live in an Arab country you are still an Arab. There is a wide variety of religious beliefs practiced in Arab countries, though in some of those countries you can be killed for practicing them. Do I have that right?

Now that begs the question about the “Arab uprising”. Dose that name hold true, or did the news media or whoever gave it to them just get it wrong, on purpose or by accident? Remember they are much smarter than we are. Or, if we analyze the data would we find that it was a specific movement started in counties with an official religious belief? That would be the question we should be asking ourselves to make our own assessment. By the way before you tell me Christianity was a “bloody” religion, I accept the premise; however I could even move that discussion to specific subcategories of Christians. I would not attempt to defend wrong, from any religious belief, just my right to live, breathe, and defend myself and others in the 21st century. Now how deep is that?

OK, this could have been an academic paper; by the way I can give you my peer-reviewed references and not just opinion. However, since it is just my opinion I will leave it at this. No matter what political party you say you align with it is your right to align with them. It is also your right to have your opinion, even if in disagreement with mine. If you want to make a movie about the Independent Fundamental Baptist Pastor who has sinned, that would be your right to do. That is the whole point, but to kill me because of that disagreement or a movie made in fact or truth; REALLY? Or has the point of the movie been made by the actions they have perpetrated on the world? Not sure of the answer, make you own mind up. This would be a good post for my personal BLOG, glad I have to moderate the comments there.