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Monday, September 17, 2012

Just my thought for today.

First off let me say I have to stop listening to the news when I take my lovely wife to work, but they don’t have an HGTV Radio network. However, I will not apologize for my reaction or opinion on my page. Of course if you disagree with me that is OK, I still love you all and it is your right to disagree. The intercourse of dialog, in my opinion starts with a simple disagreement intended to bring forth the complete assessment of the facts as they are, not as they are presented. My philosophical moment before I take Angelo to school.

So once again let me get this straight, there was a movie about Muslims who are portrayed as terrorists, killers, and an ungodly people? Was it on cable, I missed the advertisement? By the way I have seen movies like that about other religions too, don’t remember them “uprising” against Americans and killing us; however, I do admit my potential myopic outlook. Our individual assessments of things can only be formed through our own life experiences and interpretations of those experiences.

Obviously I have not watched the movie in question and I had no interest to see it, well until all this rhetoric. But I will probably still forgo watching it, since I pay attention to history and the reality of things going on around me. You can keep your head stuck in the sand if you like, but people will continue to die and be killed because of our complicate ignorance, even if we look the other way; just saying. I read all those posted pictures and graphics last week about “never forget”. Really, by 9/30 we forgot and all those “condolences” and “remembrances” will never make you remember the real issues at hand. Many only remember the incident and look no further that there were specific parameters of those involved. If you were angry on 9/11, you should still be angry 11 years later; the situation has not been miraculously changed. It is still what it is. I think many would agree that Hitler was evil and just in case you are interested there is still evil in this world today, again just saying. To me many people just want to be a part of what happened that day; however, as long as we still have American men and women in harm’s way, our own personal recognition should not be the focus.

WOW, I bet I get some disagreement on those last statements, but it still does not make you a hero. My heroes are not those people who play in movies, sing a song, play on a sports team, or even the dead who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry, I am saddened and angry, but let’s face it they did not die defending a single principle, with the exception their right to life. I have written awards and decorations for “heroes” and have never seen one approved for someone who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, well unless they took part in the action. This would be just my observation. I cannot wait to hear the disagreements on this one. I think we as a society have over used the word “hero”. It is, for me, those men and women making a difference by leaving family and friends to stand up for our right to exist. The real heroes are those fireman and police officers who go into the buildings, the people who help coworkers in disregarded to the own life. Close to my heart are the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airman and Cost Guard who everyday face what we choose to ignore. OK, so everyone who posted one of those things, I do see your sincerity; however remember the “root” cause and contrary to what other say; it is OK to be mad and not just sad. I don’t really know my point, just my opinion.

OK, so that said now I heard the ”news-people” reporting that this movie is the cause for the attacks on our bases, embassies, and the killing of our ambassador. Theoretically you could actually convince me, but since I live in the real world and have an effective “thought process”, I would have to say, REALLY? That followed by the question, “What color is the sky in your world?”

Only problem for me in this case is that the theory and reality would be in conflict. My understanding is the movie has been out for way over a month, so there would be “premeditation” and not a simple “reaction”, but a coordinated attack. I apologize but I think my law enforcement background may have just come out. Now let’s take a look at the uprisings late last year, which were called the “Arab uprisings”, if my understanding is correct. Could these incidents be some sort of coincidence? Not sure if I buy it, but you are welcome to buy anything you want too.

Let me take some time to make a personal clarification; Arabs are not all Muslims. Muslims are members of the religious believe of Islam, so if you do not believe in the tenants of the faith you are not a Muslim, but if you live in an Arab country you are still an Arab. There is a wide variety of religious beliefs practiced in Arab countries, though in some of those countries you can be killed for practicing them. Do I have that right?

Now that begs the question about the “Arab uprising”. Dose that name hold true, or did the news media or whoever gave it to them just get it wrong, on purpose or by accident? Remember they are much smarter than we are. Or, if we analyze the data would we find that it was a specific movement started in counties with an official religious belief? That would be the question we should be asking ourselves to make our own assessment. By the way before you tell me Christianity was a “bloody” religion, I accept the premise; however I could even move that discussion to specific subcategories of Christians. I would not attempt to defend wrong, from any religious belief, just my right to live, breathe, and defend myself and others in the 21st century. Now how deep is that?

OK, this could have been an academic paper; by the way I can give you my peer-reviewed references and not just opinion. However, since it is just my opinion I will leave it at this. No matter what political party you say you align with it is your right to align with them. It is also your right to have your opinion, even if in disagreement with mine. If you want to make a movie about the Independent Fundamental Baptist Pastor who has sinned, that would be your right to do. That is the whole point, but to kill me because of that disagreement or a movie made in fact or truth; REALLY? Or has the point of the movie been made by the actions they have perpetrated on the world? Not sure of the answer, make you own mind up. This would be a good post for my personal BLOG, glad I have to moderate the comments there.

Friday, March 04, 2011

As the Sun sets.

20101225_20As the sun sets you see a smile. 

A smile so enticing you must follow.

But you are then reminded that the smile is just a shadow that you cannot follow.

But a time to see the smile once again you can follow.

This from me to you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Heart

     I don’t often write in my blogs, but this morning I just feel alone, though I know I am not.  The past few days have tasked my heart to its limit, though God has given more.  I am changed, but unchanged.  I am whole and apart.  I am lost, but I am found.

     I cried only once yesterday, and only for a moment, but today that is all I want to do, but do not be sad for me for the tears that dwell within are not that kind and their is nothing you can do to give me comfort, only the embrace of a Saviour and God can do that.  They do not even loss or loneliness, they just say I am a man.

     Yesterday afternoon, I did something I have not done in a very long time.  I stood in a pulpit and gave a simple message of the life of a little boy, who meant something to many people.  Leo was a part of my life and He made me feel important and alive.  I know those are selfish things, but can not change what  is real and true.

     As I sat at my desk this morning I read the words writing yesterday and feel compelled to leave you with this, a message of Hope and Love.  It is what Jesus would have me to do:

The first step to salvation is to realize that we are all sinners:

Romans 3:10 (KJV) “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”

Romans 3:23 (KJV) “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”

Next, you must know that because of sin there must be a price paid:

Romans 6:23 (KJV) “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

This price can be paid by you with an eternity in Hell, or you can accept the price that Jesus paid for your sin:

Romans 5:8 (KJV) “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. “

To accept Jesus’ payment for your sin simply call on His name and ask Him to forgive your sins and save you:

Romans 10:9-13 (KJV) “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. [12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

If you are ready to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, take time right now to pray, confessing your sin and asking Him to save you.

When you accept Jesus, He is faithful to do what He said He would - He forgives you and saves you.  This an eternal life that cannot be lost:

1 John 5:13 (KJV) “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. “

If you have read this and come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour you are welcomed into the Kingdom of God.  If you want to share, email me at me@agagliardijr.com.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve, 2010


     For all the High Tech toys we may receive tomorrow, remember that on that day a Saviour was given, the beginning of a journey.  Not so high tech, and not so complicated, though we make it complicated.  The simplicity of a single gift to be accepted or rejected.     Remember that you may take the gift, but not use it, just like a child plays with the box.

     I have faced life and death.  I seen evil face to face and know it does exists.  As I think about the Skillet song – Monster, I remember that just under the surface it may still exist within me.  But dig a little deeper and a holy sprit dwells, just let Him out.

     Fear, joy, happiness,anger, and hatred those and more.  The things everyone feels, for I am a man, a human - simply.  Not always understanding life.

     But for all the things we have felt and all the thing we have been though, a Saviour was born.  He stepped from Heaven and lived a life of man, suffering most horribly, not for those things He had done, but for the things we have done.

Christmas Eve, 2010 – In the word of Mr. Spock, Live Long and Prosper.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Reflection of who I want to be when I grow up.

altWhat do I want to be when I grow up.  Some may say you are already grown up and sometime I feel like it.  Many time though I do not feel like it.

You I had a very successful career, but there is always time for more, don’t you think?

Let’s think about this, one year ago I started going back to school for what?  Well to start a new career, work for someone else for a change. On the other hand find a nice cushy Government job again and retire from it, that may be a good idea!

You know I still have that shirt in the picture.  Time to…….

Have a fun evening!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ipad–yes I bought one!

     Yes it has been a while……Me needing a hair cut, 150x108

     Well for anyone who knows me I am not a big fan of Apple proprietary hardware, only that they release nothing to no one.  On the other hand, their may be some benefit in it, they control the product – Hardware & Software compatibility, it all works out of the box.

     I read an article from TechRepublic about a discussion Steve Jobs had in regard to the tablet market, smartphone and other things.  He may be right, just read what he said and take your petty – I Love Windows or I am a Linux out of the equation.

     Though Google intended for Android to be open source which by nature is a good thing in this venture it may only be good for the manufactures and carriers.  Android is a fractured OS, with each manufacturer and carrier making demands on the OS, no clear upgrade path.  I am a supporter of Open Source, but when everyone is going in their own direction you wind up with thousands of variations, so we wins?  Only the system manufacturers and carriers.

     Even with Windows at least there is only on controlling manufacturer, I can not just change it, even though many of us would like too.  There are some controls to it, some sort of quality assurance.  Of course we can bring Linux the Unix variations into the discussion.  That may be why we have not seen the complete elimination of Windows, too many products.  When on single variant rises to the top, Ubuntu, maybe then Linux will catch on.

     Something else for us to think about is screen size.  I know size does not matter!  Many of the tablet products being released are of the 7”.  Well I have I 7” slatedroid, Eken E001.  Very nice android tablet from China for $88US.  Check email, web  browsing and all the things you want from a 7” system.  It is?  The answer is with a 7” screen I can do the same things on my 4.3” Droid X screen better.  So Mr. Jobs may have a point about the screen size.

     I have been frequenting the Ipad forums around the internet and they have something the others don’t – contentment.  When you go to a windows or android forum, you get a lot of  - this don’t work or that doesn't work and I would have liked this.  On the other hand on the Apple forums you tend to get a lot of positives.  Even when people are having problems you get about 5 posts helping them and not 5 more posts grumbling about it.

     Here is what I am saying, If you want the Windows 7 tablet than just wait for it.  It might just live up to your expectations.  If you want the 7” Android then buy it.  As a non-Apple person I can tell you the Ipad just plain works.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Who are we and why are We.


      Everyday of my life I have struggled with who I am and where I should be.  Today I feel inadequate as a Husband, Father, Grandfather but more importantly a Man.  I see my father as what I should be, but I have never reached the high of who he is and don’t think I even will.

     I struggle with the consequences of the decisions I have made, not realizing those consequences to others.  The depths of our struggle are never considered in who we are.

     Who am I, just me a person inadequate in what I should be.  The good news is Jesus Love me, no matter.  Save by the Shed blood of the one who knows who I am, from before I become who I am and will know me after I am not.