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Monday, June 29, 2009

Living Life!

Today is just another day in what we call life.  Wow that was deep!  Today is a great day..  well at least soMe, pondering  far it is, but it is early.

I have been sitting here pondering what my life is and who I am.  So what else is new, I do that most days. 

One big difference is I am thinking about Jennifer's and my trip to New York.  On one hand I am looking forward to it, on the other all things have changed.  The years have gone by and is it still my home.  For that is where the pondering come into play.

I haven’t lived there since the mid, dare I say, ‘70’s.  I still remember the place, I have visited over the years, but is it the same.  The answer is….  Well yes it is the same place, but with changes of time!

I was back home in November ‘08.  Dad was in the hospital and really needed to see him, or is that the other way around.  I don’t really know the answer, but it was good under the circumstances anyway.  I should have stayed longer than what I did, but I panicked about my job.  Kind of funny in hind site, what job, where is it now.

I guess I am looking forward to going home.  Who say’s you can never come home again!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Great Day!

Well here I am writing a post for all to see.  From of all places, my back yard.  I have tested both my laptop and netbook in the backyard.  They work great.  So here is my post from way outside.  I love it!

I am now adding my network music to my systems so I can still listen to it!

Fathers day is fast approaching!  This Sunday is the day.  I will write more on that subject later!

Monday, June 15, 2009


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Me, ponderingI have tested Windows Live Writer on all of my blogs and wow it works!!!!  No problems to report, flawless, until it messes up.


What another test!  Almost done………….

Windows Live Writer Review

WOW A great product from Microsoft.  I know Microsoft!

Me needing a hair cutIf you blog, this is for you.  It allows you to integrate you blogs into one place without going to your blog site. 

You can compose your entry and publish it from within live writer.  I can change blogs and post the same entry without cut & paste or retype.  I currently have 7 blogs, use don’t use, from different providers, wordpress, live spaces, blogger….  I have been able to post entries to each with no fuss. 

WOW, who would have thought Microsoft!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


WOW a test from Windows live writer1  Work Yes/NO?